Saturday, October 13, 2012

Caleb Makes an Appearance!

I think the first three weeks of Africa have been the busiest three weeks I have ever been through.

First getting to Africa, and pretty much going straight to Zanzibar. Fumba Lodge in Zanzibar was breathtaking. This is where I first put my feet into an ocean. When we got to Iringa, we got to settle down a little bit before we headed to Illua where my Grandma and Grandpa’s sister church is. We spent the night the partying with the people there. The next day we visited the hospital and Image Secondary School. Then went on our first safari, that was just amazing. How many people can say they have been charged by an elephant and got within ten feet of two males, three females, and six Lion cubs in the same day! After that we hung out at the apartment till the Fish Lake group arrived. Then we started all over again. First we went on our second safari, and we followed a lion to its pride. That was awesome. My first experience playing soccer (football) in Africa was getting creamed by a bunch of five to ten year olds.

Caleb playing soccer with the kids at the orphanage! (note the pink "Joy for Jill" shirt :)
After the Fish Lake group left we have started up school.L

Noel and I setup his Ham Radio antenna, that was an adventure.

I Love going down to the market. Bargaining is really fun. You think if I tried bargaining in Target they would like it?? J

We have a really nice apartment.

What surprised me was that the people here dress so nice even in the middle of nowhere and they are so nice!

P.S. Tom I really am on the trip J


  1. Way to go, Caleb! Thanks for writing! Are you surprise that you got schooled in football? They probably play ALL the time. :)

    You should ask John about bargaining when he came home from Tanzania! It didn't work so well.....

    Love you!

  2. Any more football games?
